How to stop a dog from digging

For most dogs, digging comes naturally. Digging may be a habit they have had since childhood or something they discovered as adults.  

In many cases, it may be a harmless hobby for dogs. In other cases, such as if your dog is digging in flower beds or under a fence, you need to find a way to keep your dog from digging.  

Fortunately, if you want your dog to stop digging in the garden, there are solutions, especially if you start early.  

Why is my dog suddenly digging holes?

Digging is a natural behavior for dogs, and occasional digging is usually not a problem for humans. However, repeated digging can become destructive to us, so it’s best to identify ways to reduce this behavior. Otherwise, borrowing dogs can cause significant damage to your home and garden. In addition, it will be more challenging to teach your dog to stop digging if this behavior persists for too long.  

Here are some of the most likely reasons your dog digs: 

Lack of stimulation: keeping dogs busy with activities that stimulate their bodies and minds is essential to their well-being. A dog that is not sufficiently entertained lacks interaction with humans or other animals and does not have toys to play with will seek additional forms of stimulation. This different form of inspiration could be digging. This is especially true for young dogs and puppies, who need to expend their energy.  

Instinct: Most dogs have the instinct to dig, but some breeds are particularly prone to it. Terriers are enthusiastic diggers, as are Beagles, Dachshunds, and Malamutes.  

To keep warm or cool: Dogs sometimes dig to reach more excellent ground to lie down and escape the heat. They will often take cover in the bushes to search for extra shade. The reverse is also true. Breeds such as Malamutes or Siberian Huskies have the instinct to drill holes in the snow. This is probably because their ancestors needed shelter from freezing temperatures and winds. 

The urge to hunt: For some dogs, like Jack Russell Terriers, digging comes from their long history of hunting for small prey, such as rodents that live underground. 

How to stop dogs from digging

If your dog is digging for any reason and you think it’s time to do something about it, there are a few ways to reduce this behavior.  

Eliminate all sources of stress

When looking for ways to stop a dog from digging, first look for any recent changes in your environment or routine.  

If your dog is digging because of stress caused by things like boredom or separation anxiety, it’s essential to understand the root cause of his concerns. Sometimes a dog is stressed by unavoidable situations. For example, the sudden change of environment that accompanies a move can make a dog anxious.

In this case, you can ease the transition by spending lots of quality time with your dog and establishing a “safe” zone in the new home. Also, recreating your sleeping space with familiar objects and, as similar, a location as possible, makes the transition easier.  


Is there anything a dog loves more than play? Well, a nice bowl of food, but play is always the highlight of a dog’s day. Make sure your dog gets the right amount of daily exercise for his size and breed. Each breed requires a different level of activity. Refrain from assuming that a small dog needs less training.  

Your dog should get at least half an hour of outdoor activity daily. Increasing their exercise level may help them burn off the extra energy they spend digging holes in the yard.  

Mental stimulation

Dogs need mental stimulation as much as physical exercise. Therefore, if your dog suffers from excessive boredom, his digging could be due to a lack of mental stimulation. 

The solution is to involve your dog in activities that you both enjoy. For example, playing ball, going for long walks, or tug-of-war may be enough to redirect your dog to more acceptable behaviors.  

In addition, playing with your dog will strengthen your bond. Doggie treat toys and obstacle courses are also fun ways to stimulate your dog. Enriching your pet’s environment with other dog toys will also provide activity when you have to leave him alone. Fortunately, there are all sorts of games you can play with your dog to stimulate his mind.  

Eliminate pests from the area

Dogs looking for pests in the area, such as rodents digging in the garden, may be more inclined to explore and less receptive to more play time and mental stimulation. Of course, it’s always a good idea to ensure your dog gets enough exercise and social time, but in this case, the unwanted behavior is driven by instinct.  

The solution is to find humane ways to capture or trap problem animals by hiring experts. Please make sure the professionals you hire relocate them to a location away from an area heavily populated by humans and, therefore, dogs. 

Provide shelter and shade

Although their ancestors came from the wild, most dogs have developed a taste for the comfort of living with people. If you leave your dog outside for long periods, ensure he has access to shade when it’s hot and shelters when it’s cold. Also, make sure he has plenty of fresh water. 

Preventing a dog from digging under a fence

You can’t blame a dog for wondering what else to find in the neighborhood, sniffing, and even barking. However, digging under the fence and escaping is, of course, a severe problem. You can limit this behavior by half-burying rocks and other obstacles at the edge of the wall to make digging more difficult.  

The art of compromise

If your dog has a passion for digging and you’re willing to sacrifice part of your yard or garden to allow him to pursue his hobby, no problem. To do this, create a “digging zone” where he can develop his enthusiasm for digging.  

First, find a spot in the yard or garden you won’t mind and praise your dog when he digs there. Then, remember to remind him not to search anywhere else in the yard. Setting up a sandbox for him to explore is another way to give him a place to express this natural behavior. 

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