How physical activity keeps your heart in good shape

New results from the renowned Framingham Heart Study show how necessary exercise is to stay fit and how it helps ...
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New advice on melatonin use in children

A warning is issued regarding over-the-counter melatonin supplements. When it’s time for bed, parents want their children to sleep. Not ...
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Protect yourself from cardiovascular disease

A report published in August 2022 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology predicts an increase in cardiovascular ...
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Bothered by a stuffed-up nose?

A chronic disease or structural problem can block breathing. Here’s what you can do about it. If your nose feels ...
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Foods you should eat to help fight inflammation

You may be surprised to learn that diet plays a crucial role in chronic inflammation. Digestive bacteria release chemicals that ...
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The many ways exercise helps your heart

Physical activity causes changes in your blood vessels, muscles, metabolism, and brain, all of which promote heart health. If you ...
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7 things your dentist wants you to know

Instead of combining business with pleasure, try mixing pleasure with pleasure (Hint: it’s already there). It is increasingly recognized that ...
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Don’t want to go to bed? Dealing with bedtime procrastination

Restful sleep is vital for good health, and reluctance to sleep can have consequences. A few years ago, Netflix’s official ...
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Let’s face it, being a student is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. Between school, extracurricular activities, ...
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