7 things your dentist wants you to know

Instead of combining business with pleasure, try mixing pleasure with pleasure (Hint: it’s already there). It is increasingly recognized that ...
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Don’t want to go to bed? Dealing with bedtime procrastination

Restful sleep is vital for good health, and reluctance to sleep can have consequences. A few years ago, Netflix’s official ...
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Can plant-based diets lower your risk of prostate cancer?

A new study provides encouraging evidence. Want to eat a healthier diet and help save the planet? Try becoming a ...
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3 easy ways to eat a healthier diet

Simple changes for healthy eating. While many people don’t make official New Year’s resolutions this year, others start from scratch ...
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Let’s face it, being a student is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. Between school, extracurricular activities, ...
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The Nine Habits to Increase Your Energy

Energy, not time, is the basis of productivity. Having all the hours in the day won’t do you good if ...
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You’ve Never Been Taught How to Learn

Think about all the classes you took in school: math, history, biology, or social studies. Now think of all the ...
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What Work Matters?

This is the last lesson in a series of four on career enhancement. On Monday, Cal Newport and I will ...
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Is Life Better When You’re Busy?

Why is everyone so busy? Almost a century ago, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that we would work only fifteen ...
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Which Works Better: Habits or Projects?

In a recent essay, I argued that most people try to do too many things. They need to make more ...
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