Yes, dogs can eat pineapple, but in moderation. Pineapple is delicious and rich in nutrients. So it’s natural for dog owners to ask, “Can dogs eat pineapple? Since many dogs will eat just about anything, chances are they love pineapple as a treat.
Is pineapple good for dogs?
Yes. For humans, pineapple is an effective way to obtain health-promoting nutrients. These include vitamin C, magnesium, and iron.
However, dogs need to get these nutrients and more from their specially formulated dog food. Therefore, adding pineapple to your dog’s diet is unnecessary. However, like bananas, blueberries, and other fruits, pineapple can be a tasty treat.
If you decide to share this tasty tropical treat with your dog, be aware that it is high in sugar and citric acid. Therefore, only give your dog pineapple in moderation and occasionally.
Can pineapple be harmful to dogs?
Yes, although pineapple does not contain dangerous or toxic nutrients that can harm dogs, it does contain large amounts of sugar and citric acid.
Therefore, pineapple should only be eaten occasionally and in small amounts. Sugar can cause digestive problems in the short term. Over a long time, excess sugar can cause weight problems and diabetes in dogs. Citric acid content can cause digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhea in some dogs.
The general guideline for all dog treats is that they should not exceed 10% of a dog’s daily caloric intake.
Can dogs eat all parts of the pineapple?
No. The core of the pineapple is rigid and can cause choking or blockages in the digestive tract. The same is true for the skin and spiny leaves. Give your dog only the fleshy interior of the fruit, cut into small pieces.
Can dogs eat canned pineapple?
No, do not give your dog canned pineapple. Pineapple is already high in sugar, as is the juice from the can. The combination of the two is too much sugar for your dog.
Can dogs eat dried pineapple?
No. Dried pineapple is not recommended as a treat for your dog. Dried fruit generally has a much higher sugar content. During the drying process, the water is removed, and the fruit shrinks. However, the sugar content remains the same. It is, therefore, easy to give too much-dried fruit and cause disease. With dried fruit, it’s easy to overfeed dogs, which can lead to illness.
How to prepare pineapple for Dogs
Pineapple can be prepared in various ways, as it is a very versatile fruit. If your dog doesn’t like one method, try another. There is more than one way to turn pineapple into a tasty treat for your dog.
Frozen Pineapple
If you’re looking for a refreshing treat for your dog during the hot summer, try freezing pineapple chunks first. Then offer them to your dog as a snack. He’ll find it hard to resist this refreshing and tasty treat. Remember to give him small pieces and ensure he doesn’t choke on them.
Fresh Pineapple
Fresh pineapple is a much better option than canned pineapple. Cut off the sensitive skin and the hardcore. Then take the fleshy part and cut it into small cubes. The smaller pieces allow for better portion control.