Bananas are a rich source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber for dogs. Read more to know how much safe eating bananas is for your dog. .
Are Bananas Good For Dogs?
Bananas are good for dogs, actually, veterinarians occasionally advise dog owners on replacing fatty, salty treats with bananas. Reasonably given, bananas are considered a healthy ,low calorie treat for dogs ,low in sodium and cholesterol , bananas are plentiful of vitamin B, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, manganese and magnesium.
The high fiber content in bananas can be a relief for your dog if he has gastrointestinal problems; in addition, the magnesium in bananas improves vitamins absorption, and production of protein, as well as bone growth stimulation. It is now established that bananas are a rich source of vitamins B and C; hence, they become indispensable in your dog’s diet. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant. It helps eliminate possibly harmful free radicals and decrease inflammation. It is true that dogs self-generate vitamin C in their livers, but in some cases taking some more of it can benefit the health of your dog. Vitamin B is accountable for the regulation of hormones and making of glucose. It is also crucial for the appropriate functioning of red cells and the nervous system.
Bananas have high sugar content; in consequence, it ought not to be a part of your dog’s main diet program.