5 Holiday Plants Poisonous to Dogs

The holiday season is a time of joy for families and friends. There’s no doubt that dogs enjoy the holiday spirit as well. There are more people for dogs to socialize with and intriguing new vacation smells.  

There may even be a package of dog treats packed for them. For a stress-free vacation for you and your dog, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind. The first is to know which vacation plants are toxic to dogs.  

What vacation plants are toxic to dogs?


“Are poinsettias toxic to dogs?” The answer is yes. Given the popularity of this bright red flowering plant during vacations, this answer can undoubtedly dampen the holiday spirit.  

Although they may seem harmless, poinsettias contain a milky white sap in their leaves that is mildly toxic to dogs. This sap can cause several unpleasant symptoms. If a dog ingests poinsettias, symptoms may include irritation of the mouth or esophagus, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  

If you insist on decorating your home with poinsettias during the holidays, keep them out of your dog’s reach.  


Decorating halls with holly branches is a classic Christmas tradition unless you have a dog. If they fall from the plant to the ground, holly berries can look like a tempting treat for your dog. Unfortunately, the opposite is true.   

Holly berries contain chemicals that are toxic to dogs. If a dog ingests these chemicals, it can suffer extreme gastrointestinal distress with vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, thorny holly leaves can damage a dog’s mouth and digestive tract if ingested.  

Fortunately, artificial holly is available, so you can still decorate rooms.  


Another ubiquitous plant during vacations is mistletoe. Dog owners can always kiss under the mistletoe, but it’s imperative to choose an artificial option, as many types of mistletoe can have severe consequences for dogs who ingest them.  

The toxins in mistletoe can cause stomach upset such as abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, drooling, a sharp drop in blood pressure and heart rate, seizures, and even death.  


Add lilies to the list of toxic houseplants for pets. Although they make a beautiful Christmas decoration, lilies should be kept where dogs cannot reach them. In addition, there are many alternatives that dog owners can choose from instead.  

Many types of lilies can harm your dog, including, but not limited to, lily of the valley, peace lily, meadow lily, and calla lily. Lily poisoning in dogs can take the form of mouth irritation, excessive drooling, decreased appetite, difficulty swallowing, gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, reduced heart rate, and potential death.  


Azaleas are a staple of Christmas bouquets and arrangements. Therefore, dog owners should be conscientious when ordering them or receiving them as gifts. Also called Rosebay or rhododendron, almost any part of this plant can harm a dog if ingested.  

Azaleas contain grayanotoxins, a group of neurotoxins that can affect the sodium channels in the dog’s body. Ingestion can cause symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, tremors, convulsions, abnormal heartbeat, coma, and death.  

In keeping your dog away from these five plants, also be sure to cover the base of the tree, so your dog does not drink the water. The water inside the bottom of the plant may contain harmful bacteria and other pathogens. 

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