Simple changes for healthy eating.
While many people don’t make official New Year’s resolutions this year, others start from scratch and decide to make up for past poor eating habits. But this motivation often centers on an overly ambitious or restrictive diet. With a solid plan, you can succeed quickly. So commit: start with these three simple ways to eat healthier.
Only real food
Look at your plate and take note of what’s processed and what’s not. This can be the full product (like a frozen meal) or part of the meal (like bottled salad dressing). Think about where you can substitute processed foods for healthier versions. Here are some ideas
eat whole-grain pasta instead of spaghetti enriched with white flour
eat quinoa instead of white rice
make your snacks, such as baked chickpeas, instead of opening a packet of crisps.
Processed foods are linked to chronic inflammation and other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. One of the healthiest diets you can adopt is the Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables, legumes, fruit, whole grains, nuts and seeds, fish, poultry, and low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, and small amounts of cheese).
Plan your meals and snacks
Set timers on your phone for three meals and two snacks (if necessary), and don’t eat between those scheduled times. This may reduce your cravings, decrease the stress of when you’re going to eat, and reduce extra calories from unnecessary snacking – a real challenge if you’re near a refrigerator all day at home or work.
Avoid scheduling meals or snacks late at night when your body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) senses you should be sleeping. “During the circadian sleep period, our metabolism slows down, our digestive system slows down, and our brain temperature drops, which is part of eliminating toxins during sleep. Eating at times different from our typical circadian waking phase leads to weight gain,” says Lawrence Epstein, MD, an attending physician in the Division of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disorders at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Reduce your portion size
If you’re like most Americans, you overeat. A simple way to control your portions: fill your plate as you usually would then put back a third or half of your meal. Other ideas:
Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate to encourage yourself to eat less.
Keep bowls off the table to avoid being tempted to overeat.
Step away from the table and continue eating when you are already full.
Knowing how many calories you are supposed to eat per day is also helpful. For example, if you’re supposed to consume 2,000 calories a day but eat 3,000, it’s probably time to cut your usual portion size by one-third. How do you calculate your calorie needs? This body weight planner can help you find a healthy balance between food and activity.
One last thought: take just one step per week.
You don’t have to fit all these steps in at once; try to take one weekly action. Write down what you eat and any thoughts or questions about the process. After a week, evaluate what worked and what didn’t. Before long, you will have the confidence to try new steps.